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Checklist Resource

Checklist resources can be used to streamline repeatative tasks reducing stress and time on tasks.  They are very useful in the classroom as a "to do list" for students. 

An ALCA checklist is a fast method for creating a data sheet for field use.  Makes a great data table (hardcopy).

Attached resources include:

  1. Detailed work done by Daniel L. Stufflebeam from Western Michigan University pertaining to checklist development.
  2. Lesson develoment checklist made accessable for others to modify.
  3. Water Quality Field Data Sheet Example

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Checklist Examples

  • Resource

    Checklist Guidelines

    This document is intended to provide practical guidance to persons desiring to develop a checklist as a tool for evaluating in a particular area. Checklists are valuable evaluation devices when carefully developed, validated, and applied. More...
  • Resource

    Data Driven Lesson Development (Draft)

    This check list is a work in progress exploring the optimum checklist for developing classroom lessons that are:

    1. Determined through data driven decisions,
    2. Aligned with standards,
    3. Useful as benchmark lessons, and
    4. Useful source of classroom artifacts for assessment items (benchmark tests).

    Print off copy and use as reference. One may duplicate and edit own version with expectation that one would share with others. To access this shared draft use following key and password.

    Key: [ yt8Im4V3Gq ]
    Password: [ lessonchecklist ]

  • Resource

    Water Quality Field Data Sheet

    Each student should have this copy on clipboard to record field data. Be prepared to turn in copy to teacher upon returning to classroom.

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