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eBook Resource

With the eBook resource you to can convert any Adobe pdf file to an eBook file and upload it as an eBook resource. As a resource, you can you can establish book chapters which allows you to go directly to a particular chapter or page in the ebook. 

An annotation or note can be created on any line in a page like a bookmark. The annotation can have any resource linked to it. For example, you can link a video, graphic, activity, or bookmark resource to a particular line on a page.

Annotations can be published to three different audiences. It can be published just to yourself, to members of a room the ebook is being used, and globally to everyone who has access to it.

With Arch's approach to the eBook resource, print (pdf) content containing only text and images can now quickly have other forms of media (and 19 other types of resources) associated with it down to a line on a page.

Note: The current version of the eBook resource requires you to send the pdf file to ALCA staff. We in turn can quickly convert the file to an eBook and upload it for you. A future version of the eBook will not require this particular step. You will be able to upload pdf files directly into your account.




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Clicking on the Resources tab Then select the eBook option using the pull down menu.
More help may be found after login using the Help tab.

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