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File Resource

File resources of any kind may be upload through either browsing one's computer or dragging files onto the Internet browser and dropping it into your folders.

Multiple files such as SmartBoard projects containing multiple resources may be zipped and uploaded intact.

A user may upload multiple files at one time saving considerable time.

Entire online courses in the form of Blackboard cartridges (zipped file) may be uploaded and then unzipped to automatically populate a course with content and a corresponding folder system.

File Icon

Attached resources include:

  1. Wind created using LoggerPro software developed by Vernier Software contains a video clip and sequenced data collected by voltmeter.  LoggerPro V3 is required to view file.
  2. Population GIS Project created using Forestry GIS. This zipped file is self-contained in that the program along with the US Census data are both include. Unzip it and one is ready to view data. See link to to get latest free version.
  3. Bookmarked MS Office file affords option in MS Internet Explore to view in browser. Embedding MS Office files is an interesting use of an uploaded file given one uses Internet Explore. A file's web address can be used in a Bookmark, then framing turned on to embed the actual spreadsheet file into the web site. Again if a different browser is used the file will only be downloaded and not viewed within the browser. This particular file relates to students keeping track of composting materials.
Get started uploading your own Files  by ...

Selecting Login

(if new to site)

Clicking on the Resources tab Then select the Files option using pull down menu.
More help may be found after login using the Help tab.

File Upload Examples

  • Resource


    This zipped file contains a LoggerPro file. Once unzipped, LoggerPro V3 will be required to view it.
  • Resource

    This zip file contains the fGIS program with male/female census bar graphs for all US counties. Population and land use are also reflected in data. Themes may be modified to represent any combination of census data by county. Refer to fGIS Help options for editing themes (data layers).
  • Resource

    Composting Spreadsheet Link

    Excel and other Office files, when using Internet Explore, may be embedded within the browser using a Bookmark linked to uploaded file.

    Technique is not particularly useful in other browsers, but for organizations that standardize on IE it may be an interesting option.
  • Resource

    Compost Data Form Spreadsheet.xls

    This Excel file is designed to track a student's compost data.

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