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Form Resource

Form resources may be constructed to compile survey data to gathering class projects. When ever data or resources need to be pool into one location by multiple users, the form resource serves this need.

When students need to view raw data for analysis, one may view the table view of the form and examine a data table of classroom results over multiple years.

Using the table view, a user may download the data from the form making a text file that may be used in Excel, Access, or other desired software. For math and science teachers it is of particular benefit to pool classroom results, download form the table view, then copy and paste data directly into LoggerPro software to analysis the data.

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The author of a form may have the form displayed in differing ways. Prompting questions can be used or no questions at all depending on information gathered. Form may be displayed in multiple sections or all on one page. A form may have "Help" added to each section as needed to help clarify the desired formatting of the information solicited. The ability to enter multiple options for a value list streamlines the process of adding check boxes.

Attached resources include:

  1. Survey of AP Environmental Science teachers soliciting information concerning exam requirements. Form resource settings allow for anonymous form completiong, viewing and exporting of results.
  2. How Square are You activity form so solicits data concerning one's body width (finger tip to finger tip) and height (head to floor). Once data is exported, a LoggerPro file is attached so that users may examine resulting cluster graph. The form is an example of one embedded within a Lesson resource that has more details concerning activity.
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Clicking on the Resources tab Then select the Form option using pull down menu.
More help may be found after login using the Help tab.

Form Examples

  • Resource

    Exam Requirement

    This is an informal survey to see how many districts have policies requiring students take the AP may click the "Skip to Results" button to view.
  • Resource

    How Square are You

    This bookmark is to a form containing collected data concerning how square 54 teachers are. Data makes a great cluster graph to examine.

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