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Plan Resource

Plan resources are used for creating learning, professional, or project tasks. A Plan can address test or rubric assessments, scheduling, instructor plans, student instructions, embedded resources, differentiation and RTI, wrapped standards, and other elements all essential for learning and professional growth.

Plans can be imported into Unit resources allowing the sequencing of the Plan resources.

Plans can be imported into Room Planners as well to support delivery of learning tasks to learners. When imported into a room, additional Task options become available that are unique to room activities. This includes documentation of completion, differentiation, and scheduling.


Attached example tasks include:

  1. A plan introducing learners to basic Physics concepts for the beginning of the course.
  2. A plan introducing the organizational process for planning a software development project.
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Selecting Login

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Clicking on the Resources tab Then select the Task option using pull down menu.
More help may be found after login using the Help tab.

Plan Examples

  • Resource

    1.02 Programming Process

     What  Students will review key concepts associated with object-base programming learned from Com Sci I.

     Why   This activity will inform me on where everyone is in terms of understanding programming.

  • Resource

    1.01 Introducing Programming: Logic & Languages Mapping

    Students will create a concept map of key terms and their relationships one to another.

  • Resource

    Bubble Gum Measurements

     What  This lab focuses on variables and how to use the LoggerPro software to graph multiple data sets.

     Why   Graphing is central to Physics.

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