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Presentation Resource

A presentation resource allows you to create a slide show where any kind of resource can be added as a slide. A presentation may be a multimedia slide show or a series of lesson resources to be accomplished in order. Presentations provide a method for sequentially grouping resources to better define projects.

Attached resources include:

  1. Standards driven tasks that provide guidance in using data driven processes based on defined standards. This presentation demonstrates how varied types of resources may be embedded into other resources.
  2. Use a slide show to show importance of using data driven processes to improve student academic performance.  This presentation demonstrates just the use of graphics.


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Clicking on the Resources tab Then select the Presentation option using pull down menu.
More help may be found after login using the Help tab.

Presentation Examples

ALCA Resources

General Resources

Data Resources

Presentation Resources

Curricular Resources

Assessment Resources

Web Resources

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