ALCA QuickStarts

This QuickStart folder contains pdf files that quickly help you move forward with a particular task you can accomplish in ALCA.
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    Arch Guide.pdf

    This pdf file illustrates and describes the various benefits and related features available in your ALCA Community.
  • Resource

    Comprehend Data QuickStarts

    This folder contains Comprehend Data Warehouse QuickStarts providing step by step guides to accomplish specific tasks in selecting, filtering, charting, and analyzing diverse data sets in your ALCA Community.
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    Dashboard QuickStarts

    Dashboard QuickStarts provide step-by-step guides in how to use the various features in the Dashboard.  The Dashboard appears after logging into ALCA.
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    Room QuickStarts

    Room QuickStarts provide step-by-step guides in using the various features of Rooms. The major features include the lesson Planner, assessment Manager, and the Web Presence for Room members and vistors.
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    Standards QuickStarts

    Standards QuickStarts provide step-by-step guides in unwrapping and using standards in the Standards Warehouse. They also provide guidance in the process of wrapping standards around Arch Resources.


Gary Sacket writes:
Please comment below for any specific QuickStarts that you would like created. We will do our best to get them created and placed in this folder for others to use as well. Thanks!

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