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Teacher Resources & Options

teacherLg.jpgThe following questions will help you get started in using the free resources made available by ALCA. Because there are so many ways to use the resources provided on Arch, one may not know where to start.


The questions below will help you focus on the usefulness of a single tree first, before becoming overwhelmed by the forest.


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 20 Free Resources for Teachers     Overview  >>
(Novice Membership)

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Consider this. A registered user may "attach" or embed each of the above resources one to another producing a rich interactive self-contained web site. This is free for the introductory novice user. One is limited to 10 mb free storage.  Membership levels begins with the free learning tools and then expands to include a district branded Learning Community Management System.


So let's get started uploading files and creating your own learning tools today. Here's how:

  1. Select Login,  register (if new to site)
  2. Click on the Resources tab
  3. Then select the desired resource type, using the pull down menu.

More help may be located, after login, using the Help tab or contact


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  1. National Staff Development Council Standards: Learning Communities
    Staff development that improves the learning of all students organizes adults into learning communities whose goals are aligned with those of the school and district.
    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    4 - organize adults
    Adult learning communities utilize staff development activities aligned with school and district goals to improve student learning.
    Does staff development activity organize adults into learning communities?
  2. National Staff Development Council Standards: Resources
    Staff development that improves the learning of all students requires resources to support adult learning and collaboration.
  3. National Staff Development Council Standards: Collaboration Skills
    Staff development that improves the learning of all students provides educators with the knowledge and skills to collaborate.
    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    Staff Development
    3 - Apply
    1 - participate in collaboration.
    1 - apply skills for collaboration.
    Through collaboration, one can improve student learning.
    What are the skills for collaboration?
    What knowledge is needed for collaboration?
    How does collaboration improve student learning?


Terry Sacket writes:
What additional resource types might administrators, teachers or students want?</p>

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