
S.09 – Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity Thread Standards Map

This is a standards map for the concept of comparing and contrasting information gained from discipline-specific tasks, media, and from text. It is specific to Standard 9 of the Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity Anchor in the Literacy Reading in Science/Technical Subjects standards of the CCSS ELA standards.


  1. Common Core State Standards: ELA Standards for Science/Technical > 6-8 > IKI > S.9
    Compare and contrast the information gained from experiments, simulations, video, or multimedia sources with that gained from reading a text on the same topic.
    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    2 - Compare and Contrast (information gain)
    2 - I can compare and contrast information gained from reading text with information gained from experiments.
    2 - I can compare and contrast information gained from reading text with information gained from simulations.
    2 - I can compare and contrast information gained from reading text with information gained from videos.
    2 - I can compare and contrast information gained from reading text with information gained from multimedia sources.
    A. Information gained using different sources will vary in insights for different learners.
    A.1 How can you compare and contrast information gained from different sources?
  2. Common Core State Standards: ELA Standards for Science/Technical > 9-10 > IKI > S.9

    Compare and contrast findings presented in a text to those from other sources (including their own experiments), noting when the findings support or contradict previous explanations or accounts.

    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    2 - Compare and Contrast (findings)
    4 - Determine (contradictions)
    2 - I can compare and contrast findings in text with other sources.
    2 - I can determine if findings support or contradict previous explanations or accounts.
    A. Reflection on new information from experimentation or other sources requires previous textual source reinforcement.
    A.1 How does one determine if new findings are supported or contradict previous explanations or accounts?
  3. Common Core State Standards: ELA Standards for Science/Technical > 11-12 > IKI > S.9
    Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts, experiments, simulations) into a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving conflicting information when possible.
    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    Information Sources (e.g.)
    6 - Relate (sources into a process)
    6 - Relate (sources into a phenomenon)
    6 - Relate (sources into a concept)
    6 - Resolve (conflict)
    6 - I can relate (synthesize) information from a range of sources into an understanding of a process.
    6 - I can relate (synthesize) information from a range of sources into an understanding of a phenomenon.
    6 - I can relate (synthesize) information from a range of sources into an understanding of a concept.
    6 - I can resolve conflicting information between different sources.
    A. The ability to take a range of sources of information and synthesize an understanding of processes, phenomenons, or concepts presented reinforces the knowledge one gains.
    B. The ability to resolve conflicting information demonstrates a "working" understanding of one's knowledge.
    A.1 What is the process of taking a range of sources of information and synthesizing an understanding of a process?
    A.2 What is the process of taking a range of sources of information and synthesizing an understanding of a phenomenon?
    A.3 What is the process of taking a range of sources of information and synthesizing an understanding of a concept?
    B.1 What is the process of resolving conflicting information?


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