
S.07 – Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity Thread Standards Map

This is a standards map for the concept of integrating the same information textually and graphically. It is specific to Standard 7 of the Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity Anchor in the Literacy Reading in Science/Technical Subjects standards of the CCSS ELA standards.


  1. Common Core State Standards: ELA Standards for Science/Technical > 6-8 > IKI > S.7
    Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).
    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    Text Information
    Visual Information (e.g.)
    4 - Integrate (quantitative information with visual content)
    4 - Integrate (technical information with visual content)
    4 - I can integrate quantitative, textual information into visual products.
    4 - I can integrate technical, textual information into visual products.
    A.1 Combining textual information with visual products facilitates understanding.
    A.1 How might text placement differ for quantitative and technical information?
  2. Common Core State Standards: ELA Standards for Science/Technical > 9-10 > IKI > S.7

    Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and translate information expressed visually or mathematically (e.g., in an equation) into words.

    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    Text Information
    Visual Information (e.g.)
    Mathematical Information (e.g.)
    4 - Translate (quantitative information to visual products)
    4 - Translate (technical information to visual products)
    2 - Translate (visual information into words)
    2 - Translate (mathematical expressions into words)
    4 - I can translate quantitative information into a visual product.
    4 - I can translate technical information into a visual product.
    2 - I can translate visual information into words.
    2 - I can translate mathematical expressions into words.
    A. Translating text from visual products and vise versa facilitates understanding of information.
    A.1 What strategies can be used to translate textual information into visual products? How might these strategies differ for quantitative and technical information?
    A.2 What strategies can be used to translate visual product into words?
    A.3 What strategies can be used to translate mathematical expressions into words?
  3. Common Core State Standards: ELA Standards for Science/Technical > 11-12 > IKI > S.7
    Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem.
    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    Information Sources (e.g.)
    4 - Integrate (multiple sources of information)
    3 - Solve (problem)
    5 - Evaluate (multiple sources of information)
    4 - I can integrate multiple sources of information in diverse formats to address a question.
    4 - I can integrate multiple sources of information in diverse formats to solve a problem.
    5 - I can evaluate multiple sources of information in diverse formats to address a question.
    5 - I can evaluate multiple sources of information in diverse formats to solve a problem.
    A. Information presented in diverse formats and media requires integration and evaluation of sources in order to address a question or solve a problem.
    A.1 What strategies may be used to integrate diverse sources of information? How might these strategies vary depending on whether addressing a question or solving a problem?
    A.2 What strategies may be used to evaluate diverse sources of information? How might these strategies vary depending on whether addressing a question or solving a problem?


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