
S.01 – Key Ideas and Details Thread Standards Map

This is a standards map for the concept of citing specific textual evidence supporting analysis of science and technical sources. It is specific to Standard 1 of the Key Ideas and Details Anchor in the Literacy Reading in Science/Technical Subjects standards of the CCSS ELA standards.


  1. Common Core State Standards: ELA Standards for Science/Technical > 6-8 > KID > S.1

    Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts.

    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    5 - Cite (specific textual evidence)
    4 - Analysis (science and technical texts)
    5 - I can cite specific textual evidence.
    4 - I can analyze science and technical texts.
    A. Frequently recurring evidence points to probable support and answers.
    B. Analysis of textual information is essential for drawing conclusions.
    C. Evidence is essential to support one's analysis of textual information.
    A.1 How do you know if cited evidence supports a particular analysis?
    B.1 Why do we need to analyze textual information?
    C.1 What strategies can be used to analyze science and technical texts?
  2. Common Core State Standards: ELA Standards for Science/Technical > 9-10 > KID > S.1

    Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to the precise details of explanations or descriptions.

    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    5 - Cite (specific textual evidence)
    4 - Analysis (science and technical texts)
    1 - Identify (explanation texts)
    1 - Identify (descriptive text)
    5 - I can cite explanation-specific textual evidence.
    5 - I can cite description-specific textual evidence.
    4 - I can analyze explanation-specific science and technical texts.
    4 - I can analyze description-specific science and technical texts.
    1 - I can identify explanation text.
    1 - I can identify descriptive text.
    A. Analysis of textual information is essential for drawing conclusions.
    B. Synthesizing key information is crucial in understanding science and technical texts.
    A.1 Why do we need to analyze textual information?
    B.1 What strategies can be used to analyze science or technical text?
  3. Common Core State Standards: ELA Standards for Science/Technical > 11-12 > KID > S.1
    Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account.
    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    5 - Cite (specific textual evidence)
    1 - Identify (author distinctions)
    1 - Identify (author gaps in account)
    1 - Identify (author inconsistencies in account)
    5 - I can cite specific textual evidence that support an author's analysis.
    1 - I can identify author distinctions within text.
    1 - I can identify an author's gaps in their account.
    1 - I can identify an author's inconsistencies in their account.
    A. Evidence is essential to support one's analysis of textual information.
    B. Analysis of textual information is essential for drawing conclusions.
    A.1 What is good evidence for one's analysis of science texts?
    A.2 What is good evidence for one's analysis of technical texts?
    A.3 How do you know if explanation cited evidence supports a particular analysis?
    A.4 How do you know if descriptive cited evidence supports a particular analysis?
    B.1 How do you identify gaps or inconsistencies in an author's account? Why do we need to analyze textual information?
    B.2 What strategies can be used to analyze science or technical text for important distinctions, gaps, or inconsistencies an author may introduce?


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