
N - Quantities

This text resource illustrates the Standards Map for the Number and Quantity Overview Quantity domain in the Common Core State Standards.


  1. Common Core Mathematics: Number and Quantity > Q > C.1

    Reason quantitatively and use units to solve problems.

  2. Common Core Mathematics: Number and Quantity > Q > C.1 > S.1

    Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays.

    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    Graphs and Data
    3 - Use (units to understand problems)
    3 - Use (units to guide solutions to multi-step problems)
    3 - Choose (units in formulas)
    2 - Interpret (units in formulas)
    3 - Choose (scale in graphs and data displays)
    2 - Interpret (scale in graphs and data displays)
    3 - Choose (origin in graphs and data displays)
    2 - Interpret (origin in graphs and data displays)
    3 - I can use units to understand problems.
    3 - I can use units to guide solutions to multi-step problems.
    3 - I can choose the units in formulas.
    2 - I can interpret the units in formulas.
    3 - I can choose the scale in graphs and data displays.
    2 - I can interpret the scale in graphs and data displays.
    3 - I can choose the origin in graphs and data displays.
    2 - I can interpret the origin in graphs and data displays.
    A. The use of units can be a problem-solving strategy.
    A.1 How can I use units to solve problems?
  3. Common Core Mathematics: Number and Quantity > Q > C.1 > S.2

    Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling.

    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    1 - Define (appropriate quantities for descriptive modeling)
    1 - I can define appropriate quantities for descriptive modeling.
    A. Using appropriate quantities is important in problem solving.
    A.1 How do I know what quantities are appropriate in problems?
  4. Common Core Mathematics: Number and Quantity > Q > C.1 > S.3

    Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting quantities.

    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    1 - Choose (accuracy level appropriate to measurement limitations)
    1 - I can choose an accuracy level appropriate to measurement limitations when reporting quantities.
    A. There is a certain level of accuracy necessary in measurement.
    A.1 How accurate must I be when measuring quantities?


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