Layer 1 — Observable Basic Activities An educator demonstrates active engagement and application of related topic vocabulary and concepts. This may be observed by an educator: |
Please check all that apply. | ||
1 | Defining the Topic. |
1 | Defining a topic's vocabulary and concepts in their own words. |
1 | Describing using appropriate vocabulary verbally or in writing how the application of the topic is benefical to professional growth or student learning. |
1 | Describing specific examples in how the concepts can be applied directly to their own instructional or professional settings. |
Layer 2 — Observable Tool Activities An educator demonstrates active engagement and application of related topic tools integrating appropriate vocabulary and concepts. This may be observed by an educator: |
Please check all that apply. | ||
1 | Using appropriate vocabulary, describing how topic-related concepts are integrated to create a specific topic-related tool. |
1 | Describing specific examples in how the Tools can be applied directly to their own instructional or professional setting. |
1 | Demonstrating basic competencies in the use of topic-related tools. |
Layer 3 — Observable Planning Activities An educator develops a SMART action plan to integrate the topic's vocabulary, concepts and tools in their own instructional or professional settings. This may be observed by an educator: |
Please check all that apply. | ||
1 | Developing a written SMART action plan identifying the topic's tools being used. |
1 | Developing lesson plans incorporating the instructional or learning tools related to the topic. |
1 | Demonstrating the use of the topic's tools in their classroom or professional settings. |
1 | Describing and reflecting on their experiences in the use of the topic's tools within their professional or classroom settings. |
1 | Describing how a topic-related plan is SMART. |
Layer 4 — Observable Implementation Activities To support implementation, an educator collaborates with their peers in improving the use of the Topic's related vocabulary, concepts, tools, and plans. Within the context of their PLC activities, this may be observed by an educator: |
Please check all that apply. | ||
1 | Collecting and analyzing data related to the topic's implementation. |
1 | Adapting action plans based on data analysis. |
1 | Working with peers to develop and implement common applications of the topic within a professional or classroom setting. |
1 | Adapting action plans integrating the topic's concepts and tools with those from other topics. |
1 | Collaborating with PLC members in developing and implementing a systemic plan for the topic's use site or district wide. |
Total: 0 |
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