Level 1 — Acquire

Level 2 — Apply

Level 3 — Assimilate

Level 4 — Adapt


Level 1 — EXPLORE the data and IDENTIFY foundational knowledge concerning data

  • ENGAGE prior knowledge to INTEGRATE standard data vocabulary.
  • CONDUCT standardized, guided PRACTICE on basic workflows.
  • DEMONSTRATE the use of standard practices and vocabulary.
  • Example: APPLY data vocabulary.
  • Example: PRACTICE accessing a data set, filter it, and create a chart. (Its just about the workflow, nothing to do with interpretation).

Level 2 — DISCOVER the value of the information in the data

  • IDENTIFY specific vocabulary to address in-depth workflows.
  • CONDUCT specific workflows that COLLECT information to be analyzed.
  • ANALYZE and INVESTIGATE information to ensure its value for making informed decisions.
  • Example: USE a specific workflow to DETERMINE Strengths and Weaknesses.
  • Example: INVESTIGATE learning outcomes for identified subgroups.

Level 3 — EVALUATE information to DESIGN the components of an action plan

  • IDENTIFY components and vocabulary to CONDUCT planning and evaluative workflows.
  • DESIGN an action plan and its components to be used in the plan's completion and evaluation.
  • Example: PLC Teams COLLABORATE to EVALUATE information to DESIGN informed action plans.

Level 4 — DEVELOP, IMPLEMENT, and EVALUATE an action plan

  • INTEGRATE vocabulary and workflows from the Seven Step domains.
  • DEVELOP resources to IMPLEMENT and EVALUATE the action plan.
  • ASSESS the action plan by EVALUATING generated data and information.
  • RECOMMEND improvements to the action plan.
  • Example: Benchmark tests (Assessment) aligned to CCSS (Mapping) used to assess a curriculum unit (Curriculum) developed from a (Plan).

Level 1 — EXPLORE the learning standards language and IDENTIFY foundational standards alignment with an emphasis on the integration of Common Core State Standards

  • ENGAGE prior knowledge to INTEGRATE specific learning standards vocabulary.
  • CONDUCT standardized, guided PRACTICE on basic learning standards workflows.
  • DEMONSTRATE the use of specific learning standards practice and vocabulary.
  • Example:  USE learning standards vocabulary.

Level 2 — DISCOVER the value of the information in the learning standards

  • IDENTIFY specific vocabulary to address in-depth learning standard workflows.
  • CONDUCT specific learning standard workflows that COLLECT information to be analyzed.
  • ANALYZE and INVESTIGATE learning standard information to ensure its value.
  • Example:  APPLY a specific workflow to investigate learning progressions and fluency expectations.

Level 3 — EVALUATE information to DESIGN the components of a standards-based action plan

  • IDENTIFY components and vocabulary to CONDUCT planning and evaluative learning standard workflows.
  • DESIGN a standards-driven action plan and its components to be used in the plan's completion and evaluation.
  • Example:  PLC Teams COLLABORATE to EVALUATE information to DESIGN informed standards-driven action plans.

Level 4 — DEVELOP, IMPLEMENT, and EVALUATE a standards-driven action plan

  • INTEGRATE learning standards vocabulary and workflows into all domains of the Seven Steps.
  • DEVELOP resources to IMPLEMENT and EVALUATE the standards-driven action plan.
  • EVALUATE data and information generated in the standards-driven action plan.
  • ASSESS the effectiveness of the standards-driven action plan.
  • RECOMMEND improvements to the action plan.
  • Example:  PLC Teams COLLABORATE to CONNECT (Standards) to Benchmark tests (Assessment) aligned to Standards (Mapping) used to assess a curriculum unit (Curriculum) which embeds research-based, best practice learning (Strategies) developed from a (Plan).

Level 1 — EXPLORE Content, Skills, DoK, Learning Targets, Big Ideas, and Essential Questions within a standard.

  • ENGAGE prior knowledge to INTEGRATE learning standard vocabulary and processes identified in the Standards Step and standards mapping vocabulary.
  • CONDUCT standardized, guided PRACTICE on basic workflows in deconstruct a learning standard.
  • IDENTIFY the Content (nouns) and Skills (action verbs) addressed within a standard.
  • IDENTIFY the Depth of Knowledge (DoK) for a specific Skill IDENTIFIED within a standard.
  • Example: APPLY basic standards unwrapping vocabulary.
  • Example: PRACTICE unwrapping a standard into its content, skills, and depth of knowledge.

Level 2 — IDENTIFY and DEVELOP a standard's Content, Skills, DoK, Learning Targets, Big Ideas, and Essential Questions within an online graphic organizer.

  • DEVELOP the Learning Targets addressed by a standard.
  • DEVELOP the Big Ideas and related Essential Questions addressed by a standard.
  • USE a graphic organizer to DOCUMENT the content, skills, DoK, learning targets, big ideas, and essential questions addressed by a learning standard.
  • Example: CREATE a Standards Map of a standard.

Level 3 — ALIGN a standard's Content, Skills, DoK, Learning Targets, Big Ideas, and Essential Questions to educational resources.

  • DEFINE and DEMONSTRATE the process of Standards Mapping.
  • DESCRIBE the process of unwrapping content, skills, and DoK addressed by educational content other than standards.
  • IDENTIFY and add to the graphic organizer implicit content and skills implied by a standard.
  • Example: CREATE unwrapped content of educational content (e.g., lesson plans, activities, test items, rubrics).
  • Example: CREATE standards maps for educational resources.

Level 4 — EXTEND the application of Standards Mapping by PRODUCING integrated curriculum that incorporates content and processes in the other Seven Step domains.

  • CREATE educational resources containing Standards Maps.
  • EVALUATE the quality of curriculum and assessments by REFLECTING on the quality of the alignment of their Standards Maps.
  • Example: CREATE a rigorous unit of study where its resources have strong standards alignment as illustrated by their Standards Maps.

Level 1 — EXPLORE planning specific language and IDENTIFY research-based, best practices associated with planning rigorous units of study

  • ENGAGE prior knowledge to INTEGRATE specific planning-based vocabulary.
  • CONDUCT standardized, guided PRACTICE in the development of planning workflows.
  • DEMONSTRATE the use of specific planning-based practice and vocabulary.
  • Example: USE specific identified planning-based vocabulary and strategies to design rigorous units of study.

Level 2 — DISCOVER and CLARIFY the value of specific planning components

  • IDENTIFY vocabulary and components within specific planning resources to address in-depth workflows.
  • CONDUCT specific workflows that COLLECT planning information to be analyzed.
  • ANALYZE and INVESTIGATE planning information to ensure its value for making informed decisions.
  • Example: APPLY a specific workflow to INVESTIGATE and ANALYZE the components of planning-based resources.

Level 3 — EVALUATE information to DESIGN the components of a planning-based action plan

  • IDENTIFY components and vocabulary to CONDUCT planning and evaluative workflows associated with planning rigorous units of study.
  • DESIGN a planning-based action plan and its components to be used in the action plan's completion and evaluation.
  • Example: PLC Teams COLLABORATE to EVALUATE information to DESIGN informed planning-based action plans to integrate units of study resources into classroom instruction.

Level 4 — DEVELOP, IMPLEMENT, and EVALUATE an planning-based action plan to INTEGRATE vocabulary and workflows from the Seven Step domains.

  • DEVELOP resources to IMPLEMENT and EVALUATE the planning-based action plan.
  • ASSESS the planning-based action plan by EVALUATING generated data and information.
  • RECOMMEND improvements to the planning-based action plan.
  • Example: PLC Teams COLLABORATE to CONNECT (Standards) to Benchmark tests (Assessment), aligned to Standards (Mapping) used to assess a curriculum unit (Curriculum) which embeds research-based, best practice learning (Strategies) developed from a (Plan).

Level 1 — EXPLORE curriculum specific language and IDENTIFY research-based, best practice associated with an emphasis on the integration of Common Core State Standards

  • ENGAGE prior knowledge to INTEGRATE specific curriculum-based vocabulary.
  • CONDUCT standardized, guided PRACTICE in the development of curriculum workflows.
  • DEMONSTRATE the use of specific curriculum-based practice and vocabulary.
  • Example: USE specific identified curriculum-based vocabulary and strategies to design rigorous units of study.

Level 2 — DISCOVER and CLARIFY the value of specific curriculum development components

  • IDENTIFY specific vocabulary and components within specific curriculum resources to address in-depth workflows.
  • CONDUCT specific workflows that COLLECT curriculum information to be analyzed.
  • ANALYZE and INVESTIGATE curriculum information to ensure its value for making informed decisions.
  • Example: APPLY a specific workflow to INVESTIGATE and ANALYZE the components of specific curriculum-based resources.

Level 3 — EVALUATE information to DESIGN the components of a curriculum-based action plan

  • IDENTIFY components and vocabulary to CONDUCT planning and evaluative workflows associated with curriculum.
  • DESIGN a curriculum-based action plan and its components to be used in the plan's completion and evaluation.
  • Example: PLC Teams COLLABORATE to EVALUATE information to DESIGN informed curriculum-based action plans to integrate units of study resources into classroom instruction.

Level 4 — DEVELOP, IMPLEMENT, and EVALUATE an action plan to INTEGRATE vocabulary and workflows from the Seven Step domains.

  • DEVELOP resources to IMPLEMENT and EVALUATE the curriculum-based action plan.
  • ASSESS the curriculum-based action plan by EVALUATING generated data and information.
  • RECOMMEND improvements to the curriculum-based action plan.
  • Example: PLC Teams COLLABORATE to CONNECT (Standards) to Benchmark tests (Assessment), aligned to Standards (Mapping) used to assess a curriculum unit (Curriculum) which embeds research-based, best practice learning (Strategies) developed from a (Plan).

Level 1 — EXPLORE assessment language and IDENTIFY foundational research-based, best practices associated with assessments.

  • ENGAGE prior knowledge to INTEGRATE specific assessment vocabulary.
  • CONDUCT standardized, guided PRACTICE on assessment workflows.
  • DIFFERENTIATE between different forms of assessment (e.g., formative, summative, diagnostic).
  • DEMONSTRATE the use of specific assessment practice and vocabulary.
  • Example: USE specific identified assessment vocabulary and strategies.

Level 2 — DISCOVER and CLARIFY the value of different types of assessment and the information they provide

  • IDENTIFY specific vocabulary, components, and workflows within different assessment types.
  • CONDUCT assessment workflows that COLLECT specific information to be analyzed.
  • ANALYZE and INVESTIGATE assessment information to ensure its value for making informed decisions.
  • Example: APPLY a specific assessment type to INVESTIGATE and ANALYZE acquired learning.

Level 3 — EVALUATE information to DESIGN the components of an assessment action plan

  • IDENTIFY components and vocabulary to CONDUCT planning and evaluative workflows associated with assessments.
  • DESIGN an assessment action plan and its components to be used in the assessment plan's completion and evaluation.
  • Example: PLC Teams COLLABORATE to EVALUATE information to DESIGN informed action plans to integrate assessments into classroom instruction.

Level 4 — DEVELOP, IMPLEMENT, and EVALUATE an action plan to INTEGRATE vocabulary and workflows from the Seven Step domains.

  • DEVELOP assessments to IMPLEMENT and EVALUATE the action plan.
  • ASSESS the assessment action plan by EVALUATING generated data and information.
  • RECOMMEND improvements to the assessment action plan.
  • Example: PLC Teams COLLABORATE to CONNECT (Standards) to Benchmark tests (Assessment), aligned to Standards (Mapping) used to assess a curriculum unit (Curriculum) which embeds research-based, best practice learning (Strategies) developed from a (Plan).

Level 1 — EXPLORE the strategies vocabulary and IDENTIFY research-based, best practices associated with learning strategies

  • ENGAGE prior knowledge to INTEGRATE specific strategies vocabulary.
  • CONDUCT standardized, guided PRACTICE on strategies workflows.
  • DEMONSTRATE the use of specific strategies practice and vocabulary.
  • Example: USE specific identified strategies vocabulary.

Level 2 — DISCOVER the value of the components in research-based, best practices associated with specific learning strategies

  • IDENTIFY specific vocabulary and components within specific learning strategies addressing in-depth workflows.
  • CONDUCT specific workflows within learning strategies that COLLECT information to be analyzed.
  • INVESTIGATE and ANALYZE information to ensure its value for making informed decisions on learning strategies.
  • Example: APPLY a specific workflow to INVESTIGATE and ANALYZE the components of a specific learning strategy.

Level 3 — EVALUATE specific learning strategy components to INTEGRATE into an action plan

  • IDENTIFY vocabulary and components to CONDUCT planning and evaluative workflows for specific learning strategies.
  • DESIGN a learning strategy action plan and its components to be used in the plan's completion and evaluation.
  • Example: PLC Teams COLLABORATE to EVALUATE information to DESIGN informed action plans to integrate strategies into classroom instruction.

Level 4 — DEVELOP, IMPLEMENT, and EVALUATE a learning strategy action plan

  • INTEGRATE learning strategy vocabulary and workflows into the Seven Step domains.
  • DEVELOP resources to IMPLEMENT and EVALUATE the learning strategy action plan.
  • ASSESS the action plan by EVALUATING generated data and information associated with learning strategies.
  • RECOMMEND improvements to the learning strategy action plan.
  • Example: PLC Teams COLLABORATE to CONNECT (Standards) to Benchmark tests (Assessment) aligned to Standards (Mapping) used to assess a curriculum unit (Curriculum) which embeds research-based, best practice learning (Strategies) developed from a (Plan)

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