Standards Resources (old Version)

Step 1: Standards

Step 1 establishes a foundation based on common vocabulary, data analysis, and key resources such as testing blueprints and Depth of Knowledge (DoK). A quality foundation empowers district staff to establish a plan for continuous improvement. Standards is the focus throughout the process.

This resource is used in the Laying the Foundation professional development with school districts using Comprehend Pro for the first time. Although Comprehend Pro only takes a few minutes to learn, the remainder of the time within the PD addresses how to integrate Comprehend data with Oklahoma State Department of Education resources and other useful information or processes.
  1. Introductions

    The Aurora Learning Community Association (ALCA) supports the establishment and promotion of Professional Learning Communities within and across K12, Career Tech, and higher education institutions.
  2. Using Data to Improve Student Achievement

    Let's take a quick overview of what you will be addressing in this workshop to help you move forward quickly with your data in Comprehend.

    Instructor Notes: Remind them of the ..... Update page including 4 hour and 6 hour versions including projected time for each PD item.
  3. Twelve Critical Acronyms

    There are twelve acronyms Oklahoma educators must know and understand to have grounded conversations with their peers concerning Oklahoma's standardized testing results.
  4. Using The Comprehend Data Manual

    Create and attach the Comp Data Manual here.
  5. Building on Standards

    Reviewing this diagram informs you of the various resources essential for using standards to impact student learning.
  6. Basic Data Analysis Vocabulary

    This glossary of terms and concepts address basic data analysis vocabulary essential for having a coherent conversation with your peers about impacting learning. ****** Add 12 critical words
  7. Resources to Bloom's Taxonomy

    Understanding Bloom's Taxonomy is essential for applying Depth of Knowledge (DoK) used by the Oklahoma State Department of Education for student assessments. This resource provides a review of Bloom's.
  8. Depth of Knowledge (DoK) Vocabulary

    Knowledge of the vocabulary used to address the four levels of DoK is essential for learners and educators alike. This table provides many terms categorized by DoK level.
  9. Essential Words for Learning

    Knowing the right words are essential in being successful in learning. These are just a few that will move students forward to being successful.
  10. Academic Vocabulary

    It is essential to use content-specific vocabulary that has been identified as important to master the content area. This link will display a very useful pdf file from the Oklahoma State Department of Education web site. Not only does this pdf file contain the vocabulary but also provides guidance on how to best teach the vocabulary.
  11. Aligning with Blueprints

    The alignment blueprints reflect the degree to which each PASS standard and objective is represented on the test. This presentation takes you directly to pdf files which may take a few moments to open.
  12. Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

    Attach Step by Step worksheets, indepth analysis in District folders.
  13. Performance Level Descriptors

    Performance Level Descriptors describe specifically what a student can demonstrate if they are Advanced, Satisfactory, Limited knowledge, or Unsatisfactory.
  14. DoK Descriptions (Test Specifications)

    Review the taxonomy of Bloom's and then relate it to your particular test specifications from the Oklahoma State Department of Education. You can usually find the Depth of Knowledge Descriptions on or near page 8. The page describes the three levels including:
    1. Level 1 - Recall and Reproduction

    2. Level 2 - Skills and Concepts

    3. Level 3 - Strategic and Extended Thinking

  15. Item Specifications

    The item Specifications pdf files provided through this link will inform you on how to design your own test items to better reflect the questions students are provided on the Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests (OCCT).
  16. Sample Test Items

    Sample test items are available from the Oklahoma State Department of Education allowing you to review actual items, their DoK, and the standard addressed by each. You can also use these items for your own educational use as practice items with your students.
  17. OCCT 3-8 and EOI Cut Scores

    Understanding where within the performance level a student has scored and what it would take to move him or her to the next performance level enables the teacher to more effectively use the test results for instructional purposes.
  18. PASS Standards

    The foundation for many of your conversations are based on standards and student performance on them. Through this link, the Oklahoma PASS standards are available in the form of grade, subject, or CARG-M specific standards.
  19. What the Research Says About Data

    Reviewing what research says about data analysis helps you and your peers develop a common understanding for your district's need and use for data.
  20. Why Professional Development?

    Collaborative, continuous, and embedded professional development is essential for supporting your district's process-oriented professional learning community. This presentation addresses key aspects you should consider in meaningful and productive professional development.
  21. Common Data Driven Questions

    Now that we have been introduced to Depth of Knowledge, basic data analysis vocabulary, Comprehend Pro and other helpful topics, we now have the start of a common foundation for asking the right questions. So, what are some of the common data driven questions we should address concerning our students' performance? A few questions are provided in this section.
  22. Comparative Analysis

    Use the enclosed resources to access various forms of data represented in district API, OCCT, and School Report Cards.
  23. SMART Goal Resources

    SMART Goals are specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic and time-based. Resources found in this link combined with the district-specific SMART Goal form provided in the District Resources area here in your District's PLC room will facilitate development of SMART Goals for you and your district.

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