Using Comprehend Data

This outline resource provides tutorials demonstrating how to use the numerous features found in the Arch Platform, ALCA's systemic online solution for collaborative Professional Learning Communities and learning.
  1. Comprehend User's Guide

    The Comprehend Data Manual addresses how to use the various features of Comprehend Data v.1.
  2. Logging into Comprehend

    This tutorial demonstrates how to access and log into Comprehend Data.
  3. Using the Comprehend Data Table

    This tutorial demonstrates how to use the Data Table in Comprehend Data.
  4. Filtering Data

    This tutorial demonstrates how to disaggregate assessment data using Comprehend.
  5. Creating Performance Breakdown Graphs

    This tutorial demonstrates how to create Performance Breakdown charts using Comprehend.
  6. Creating OPI Score Graphs

    This tutorial demonstrates how to create OPI Graphs using Comprehend Data.
  7. Creating SOPI % Correct Graphs

    This tutorial demonstrates how use SOPI % graphs in Comprehend Data.
  8. EOI Student Data in Excel

    This tutorial demonstrates how export all of the EOI assessment data and import into a single Excel file.

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