14 Data-Driven Questions

Now that we have been introduced to Depth of Knowledge, basic data analysis vocabulary, Comprehend Pro and other helpful topics, we now have the start of a common foundation for asking the right questions. So, what are some of the common data driven questions we should address concerning our students' performance? A few questions are provided in this section.

Standards Task (14 of 14) Time: 15 minutes


  1. PLC Guide

    To include the questions that can be addressed quickly with Comprehend Pro in your PLC Guide:
    1. Click the Common Data Driven Questions link below.
    2. Print the page.
    3. Include in your PLC Guide.

    Note: If you have already included the Common Data Driven Questions in your PLC Guide, review the linked document below with the one in your Guide. If there have been changes, replace it with this newer version.

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