
National Staff Development Standards

This text resource is being used to address the first part of Standards Mapping of the NSDC Standards, that is, the unwrapping of the standards into Content, Skills, Learning Targets, Big Ideas, and Essential Questions.
Let's practice unwrapping these National Staff Development Standards together using the implicit text option for each linked standard. Once it looks correct, we can then copy the text from here and add it in the explicit fields for everyone else to have access. To do this, you need to: *While viewing this resource, click the "Login" button. *Log in. *Click the "Edit" button. *If not open, click the "Standards" section in the form. *Click the "Edit" icon next to the standard you want to unwrap. *Click the "Implicit" edit icon to expand the unwrapping form. *Copy the text of the standard being unwrapped. *Paste the text into both the "Content" and "Skill" column fields. *Rearrange and delete portions of the pasted text in each column to reflect the Content or Skills. *From the completed Content and Skills, create the Learning Targets. *From the Content, Skills, and Learning Targets, write the Big Ideas. *From the Content, Skills, Learning Targets, and the Big Ideas, write your Essential Questions. *Comment in the Discuss area any concerns or other relevant information to others collaborating in the development of the unwrapped text for the Standards.


  1. National Staff Development Council Standards: Learning Communities
    Staff development that improves the learning of all students organizes adults into learning communities whose goals are aligned with those of the school and district.
  2. National Staff Development Council Standards: Designs and Strategies
    Staff development that improves the learning of all students uses learning strategies appropriate to the intended goal.
  3. National Staff Development Council Standards: Family involvement
    Staff development that improves the learning of all students provides educators with knowledge and skills to involve families and other stakeholders appropriately.
  4. National Staff Development Council Standards: Learning
    Staff development that improves the learning of all students applies knowledge about human learning and change.
    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    3 - Apply (knowledge about human learning)
    3 - Apply (knowledge about change)
    3 - I can apply knowledge about human learning.
    3 - I can apply knowledge about change.
    Learning improves when educators use their knowledge of human learning and change.
    How do students learn?
    What do schools need to do to guide change?
  5. National Staff Development Council Standards: Collaboration Skills
    Staff development that improves the learning of all students provides educators with the knowledge and skills to collaborate.
    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    3 - Provide (knowledge to collaborate)
    3 - Provide (skills to collaborate)
    3 - I can collaborate.
    Student learning improves when educators collaborate
    None Available
  6. National Staff Development Council Standards: Leadership
    Staff development that improves the learning of all students requires skillful school and district leaders who guide continuous instructional improvement.
  7. National Staff Development Council Standards: Equity
    Staff development that improves the learning of all students prepares educators to understand and appreciate all students, create safe, orderly, and supportive learning environments, and hold high expectations for their academic achievement.
  8. National Staff Development Council Standards: Data-Driven
    Staff development that improves the learning of all students uses disaggregated student data to determine adult learning priorities, monitor progress, and help sustain continuous improvement.
    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    3 - Use (disaggregated student data)
    3 - Determine (adult learning priorities)
    3 - Monitor (progress)
    3 - Sustain (continuous improvement)
    3 - I can use disaggregated student data.
    3 - I can determine adult learning priorities.
    3 - I can monitor student progress.
    3 - I can sustain continuous improvement.
    Using data helps schools improve student learning
    How should schools disaggregate student data?
    How should schools determine adult learning priorities?
    How should schools monitor student progress?
  9. National Staff Development Council Standards: Resources
    Staff development that improves the learning of all students requires resources to support adult learning and collaboration.
  10. National Staff Development Council Standards: Research-Based
    Staff development that improves the learning of all students prepares educators to apply research to decision making.
    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    3 - Apply (research to decision making)
    3 - I can apply research to decision making.
    Using research leads to better decision making.
    How can research improve my teaching?
    How can research be used to improve my students' learning?
  11. National Staff Development Council Standards: Evaluation
    Staff development that improves the learning of all students uses multiple sources of information to guide improvement and demonstrate its impact.
    Content Skills Learning Targets Big Ideas Essential Questions
    Gary's Content
    None Available None Available None Available None Available
  12. National Staff Development Council Standards: Quality teaching
    Staff development that improves the learning of all students deepens educators' content knowledge, provides them with research-based instructional strategies to assist students in meeting rigorous academic standards, and prepares them to use various types of classroom assessments appropriately.


Patty Sweet writes:
I think this is probably the easiest method I have seen so far. <br/>
It is so much easier than the form. <br/>
It allows everyone to work as a team and see the finished product.<br/>
I don't see a disconnect at this point.
Patty Sweet writes:
We need to make sure that the Essential Question aligns with the indicated Bloom's Level of the task.
Patty Sweet writes:
The Big Idea should be written in simple language. <br/>
Look at the concepts and skills you listed on your graphic organizer.<br/>
Ask: “What are the main ideas or enduring understandings I want the students to realize on their own after I teach them the concepts and skills?”<br/>
Use student-friendly wording.
Patty Sweet writes:
I like this format. Thank you.

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