Using Arch

This outline resource provides tutorials demonstrating how to use the numerous features found in the Arch Platform, ALCA's systemic online solution for collaborative Professional Learning Communities and learning.
  1. Registering

    This tutorial demonstrates how to register and establish an account in ALCA's Arch Community.
    (4:30 Minutes)
  2. Networking

    Once registered, a new member can begin networking by using the various options available in their Network Tab. This tutorial demonstrates the basic features of the Network Tab. (5:10 Minutes)
  3. Using Organizations

    One way to network is to join community organizations. Joining provides access to organization resources and rooms. This tutorial demonstrates how to use organizations within the ALCA Community. (3:35 Minutes)
  4. Using Rooms

    A Room in Arch provides a place for members to come together to accomplish a common set of tasks. This outline provides a sequence of tutorials on the use of Room Features.
  5. Using Resources

    This outline provides tutorials demonstrating how to use, create, and edit resources available in Arch.
  6. Creating a Buddy List

    This tutorial demonstrates how to create a Buddy List of community members. Once a Buddy List is created, you can use to quickly send a messsage, enroll in a room, join an organization or group, share a resource, among numerous other activities involving a group of community members. (2:51 Minutes)

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