Oklahoma PASS: Biology I Standards

Standards for Inquiry and the Biological Sciences

The Priority Academic Student Skills (PASS) should be taught by investigating content, concepts, and principles of major themes in the Biological Sciences.

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  1. Process Standard 1 Observe and Measure

    Observing is the first action taken by the learner to acquire new information about an organism or event. Opportunities for observation are developed through the use of a variety of scientific tools. Measurement allows observations to be quantified. The student will accomplish these objectives to meet this process standard.
    1. Identify Changes

      Identify qualitative and quantitative changes in cells, organisms, populations, and ecosystems given conditions (e.g., temperature, mass, volume, time, position, length, quantity) before, during, and after an event.
    2. Using Tools

      Use appropriate tools (e.g., microscope, pipette, metric ruler, graduated cylinder, thermometer, balances, stopwatches) when measuring cells, organisms, populations, and ecosystems.
    3. Using SI Units

      Use appropriate System International (SI) units (i.e., grams, meters, liters, degrees Celsius, and seconds); and SI prefixes (i.e., micro-, milli-, centi-, and kilo-) when measuring cells, organisms, populations, and ecosystems.
  2. Process Standard 2: Classify

    Classifying establishes order. Organisms and events are classified based on similarities, differences, and interrelationships. The student will accomplish these objectives to meet this process standard.
    1. Classify Properties

      Using observable properties, place cells, organisms, and/or events into a biological classification system.
    2. Identify Classified Properties

      Identify the properties by which a biological classification system is based.
  3. Process Standard 3: Experiment

    Experimenting is a method of discovering information. It requires making observations and measurements to test ideas. The student will accomplish these objectives to meet this process standard.
    1. Evaluate Experimental Design

      Evaluate the design of a biology laboratory investigation.
    2. Identify Variables

      Identify the independent variables, dependent variables, and controls in an experiment.
    3. Use Mathematics

      Use mathematics to show relationships within a given set of observations (e.g., population studies, biomass, probability).
    4. Identify Hypothesis

      Identify a hypothesis for a given problem in biology investigations.
    5. Recognize Hazards

      Recognize potential hazards and practice safety procedures in all biology activities.
  4. Process Standard 4: Interpret and Communicate

    Interpreting is the process of recognizing patterns in collected data by making inferences, predictions, or conclusions. Communicating is the process of describing, recording, and reporting experimental procedures and results to others. Communication may be oral, written, or mathematical and includes organizing ideas, using appropriate vocabulary, graphs, other visual representations, and mathematical equations. The student will accomplish these objectives to meet this process standard.
    1. Select Predictions

      Select appropriate predictions based on previously observed patterns of evidence.
    2. Report Data*

      Report data in an appropriate manner.
    3. Interpret Graphical Data

      Interpret data tables, line, bar, trend, and/or circle graphs.
    4. Accept/Reject Hypotheses

      Accept or reject hypotheses when given results of a biological investigation.
    5. Draw Conclusions

      Evaluate experimental data to draw the most logical conclusion.
    6. Write Report*

      Prepare a written report describing the sequence, results, and interpretation of a biological investigation or event.
    7. Communicate/Defend Scientific Thinking*

      Communicate or defend scientific thinking that results in conclusions.
    8. Identify/Create Appropriate Graph

      Identify and/or create an appropriate graph or chart from collected data, tables, or written description (e.g., population studies, plant growth, heart rate).
  5. Process Standard 5: Model

    Modeling is the active process of forming a mental or physical representation from data, patterns, or relationships to facilitate understanding and enhance prediction. The student will accomplish these objectives to meet this process standard.
    1. Interpret Model given Observations

      Interpret a biological model which explains a given set of observations.
    2. Select Predictions based Models

      Select predictions based on models such as pedigrees, life cycles and energy pyramids.
    3. Compare Model to World*

      Compare a given model to the living world.
  6. Process Standard 6. Inquiry

    Inquiry can be defined as the skills necessary to carry out the process of scientific or systemic thinking. In order for inquiry to occur, students must have the opportunity to ask a question, formulate a procedure, and observe phenomena. The student will accomplish these objectives to meet this process standard.
    1. Formulate Testable Hypothesis*

      Formulate a testable hypothesis and design an appropriate experiment relating to the living world.
    2. Design & Conduct Investigations*

      Design and conduct biological investigations in which variables are identified and controlled.
    3. Use Technology*

      Use a variety of technologies, such as hand tools, microscopes, measuring instruments, and computers to collect, analyze, and display data.
    4. Formulation of Explanations*

      Inquiries should lead to the formulation of explanations or models (physical, conceptual, and mathematical). In answering questions, students should engage in discussions (based on scientific knowledge, the use of logic, and evidence from the investigation) and arguments that encourage the revision of their explanations, leading to further inquiry.
  7. Content Standard 1: The Cell

    Cells are the fundamental unit of life, composed of a variety of structures that perform functions necessary to maintain life. The student will engage in investigations that integrate the process standards and lead to the discovery of the following objectives:
    1. Cell Structures

      Cells are composed of a variety of structures such as the nucleus, cell membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm, ribosomes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts.
    2. Cell Differentiation

      Cells can differentiate and may develop into complex multicellular organisms (i.e., cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms).
  8. Content Standard 2: The Molecular Basis of Heredity

    DNA determines the characteristics of organisms. The student will engage in investigations that integrate the process standards and lead to the discovery of the following objectives:
    1. Cell Function and Genetic Code

      Cells function according to the information contained in the master code of DNA (i.e., cell cycle, DNA to DNA, and DNA to RNA). Transfer RNA and protein synthesis will be taught in life science courses with rigor greater than Biology I.
    2. Genes and Reproduction

      A sorting and recombination of genes in reproduction results in a great variety of possible gene combinations from the offspring of any two parents (i.e., Punnett squares and pedigrees). Students will understand the following concepts in a single trait cross: alleles, dominant trait, recessive trait, phenotype, genotype, homozygous, and heterozygous.
  9. Content Standard 3: Biological Diversity

    Diversity of species is developed through gradual processes over many generations. The student will engage in investigations that integrate the process standards and lead to the discovery of the following objectives:
    1. Species Structural Differences / Similarities

      Different species might look dissimilar, but the unity among organisms becomes apparent from an analysis of internal structures, the similarity of their chemical processes, and the evidence of common ancestry (e.g., homologous and analogous structures).
    2. Biological Adaptation in Populations

      Species acquire many of their unique characteristics through biological adaptation, which involves the selection of naturally occurring variations in populations. Biological adaptations include changes in structures, behaviors, or physiology, which may enhance or limit the survival and reproductive success in a particular environment.
  10. Content Standard 4: The Interdependence of Organisms

    Interrelationships and interactions between and among organisms in an environment is the interdependence of organisms. The student will engage in investigations that integrate the process standards and lead to the discovery of the following objectives:
    1. Matter Cycles in Living System

      Matter on the earth cycles among the living and nonliving components of the biosphere.
    2. Organism Behaviors

      Organisms both cooperate and compete in ecosystems (i.e., parasitism and symbiosis).
    3. Population Limitations

      Living organisms have the capacity to produce populations of infinite size, but environments and resources limit population size (i.e., carrying capacity and limiting factors).
  11. Content Standard 5: Matter, Energy, and Organization in Living Systems

    Living systems require a continuous input of energy to maintain their chemical and physical organizations. The student will engage in investigations that integrate the process standards and lead to the discovery of the following objectives:
    1. Organism Homeostasis (Matter)

      The complexity and organization of organisms accommodates the need for obtaining, transforming, transporting, releasing, and eliminating the matter and energy used to sustain the organism (i.e., photosynthesis and cellular respiration).
    2. Organism Homeostasis (Energy)

      As matter and energy flow through different levels of organization of living systems and between living systems and the physical environment, chemical elements are recombined in different ways by different structures. Matter and energy are conserved in each change (i.e., water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, food webs, and energy pyramids).
  12. Content Standard 6: The Behavior of Organisms

    Organisms have behavioral responses to internal changes and to external stimuli. The student will engage in investigations that integrate the process standards and lead to the discovery of the following objectives:
    1. Organism Sensory Cells

      Specialized cells enable organisms to monitor what is going on in the world around them (e.g., detect light, sound, specific chemicals, gravity, plant tropism, sense organs, homeostasis).
    2. External Stimuli Responses

      Responses to external stimuli can result from interactions with the organism’s own species and others, as well as environmental changes; these responses either can be innate or learned. Broad patterns of behavior exhibited by animals have changed over time to ensure reproductive success.

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