Let's first review the taxonomy of Bloom's and then relate it to your particular test specifications from the Oklahoma State Department of Education. You can usually find the Depth of Knowledge Descriptions on or near page 8. The page describes the three levels including: *Level 1 - Recall and Reproduction *Level 2 - Skills and Concepts *Level 3 - Strategic and Extended Thinking

Standards Task (6 of 14) Time: 15 minutes


  1. Review Bloom's and Depth of Knowledge Chart

    Review the content from the Bloom's Revisited task. In particular, note the DoK Levels and the Bloom Taxonomy levels associated with them.

    The Bloom's and Depth of Knowledge chart should be in your PLC Guide for quick reference.
  2. Test Specifications

    After reviewing Bloom's and how it is related to the DoK Levels, let's relate Bloom's to your particular Depth of Knowledge Descriptions found in the appropriate test specifications from the Oklahoma State Department of Education. You can usually find the Depth of Knowledge Descriptions on or near page 8. The page describes the three levels including:
    • Level 1 - Recall and Reproduction
    • Level 2 - Skills and Concepts
    • Level 3 - Strategic and Extended Thinking
    Doing this will make Bloom's specific to your particular subject area being assessed.

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