
Hyperbole Examples

Hyperbole is a figurative language technique where exaggeration is used to create a strong effect.  With hyperbole, the notion of the speaker is greatly exaggerated to emphasize the point.  The word “hyperbole” is actually composed of two root words: “hyper” which means “over,” and “bole” which means “to throw.”  So, etymologically, “hyperbole” translates roughly to “over throw” or “to throw over.”  True to it’s origins, hyperbole or language that is hyperbolic overstates a point or goes a bit too far.  Here are fifty examples of hyperbole:

  1. Charlie gazed hopelessly at the endless pile of bills stretching across the counter.
  2. That woman has no self-control.
  3. That was the easiest question in the world.
  4. Nothing can bother him.
  5. I can smell pizza from a mile away.
  6. I went home and made the biggest sandwich of all time.
  7. My dad is always working.
  8. Patty drank from a bottomless glass of Kool-Aid.
  9. Allie has a million pairs of shoes in her closet.
  10. Old Mr. Coffey has been teaching here since the Stone Age.
  11. Forget knocking it out of the park, Frank can knock a baseball off the planet.
  12. The lesson was taking forever.
  13. I’ve seen this movie at least million times.
  14. Vanessa never has anything interesting to say.
  15. These shoes are killing me.
  16. Shauna does everything for him.
  17. Christmas will never come.
  18. He walked down the road to nowhere.
  19. I’d rather kiss a rattlesnake than go to  PE.
  20. My dad knows everything about cars.
  21. Max is the fastest thing on two feet.
  22. Basketball is the only thing that ever mattered to him.
  23. Nothing can stop these guys.
  24. My mom is going to kill me.
  25. She can have any boy that she wants.
  26. Nobody can beat level six.
  27. You’ve made me the happiest man alive, Rita.
  28. The sight of them kissing is so gross that it makes me want to puke.
  29. We’ll be best friends forever.
  30. Now there is no star that is not perfumed with my fragrance.
  31. I will never say “never.”
  32. Chris won’t drive her home because she lives on the other side of the universe.
  33. The only thing that he ever wants to do is play that game.
  34. Once I get you in my arms, I’m never going to let you go.
  35. John always knows the right thing to say.
  36. Phoebe would be content anywhere.
  37. Nothing could ever go wrong with his plan.
  38. Pam was skinny enough to jump through a keyhole.
  39. Jasmine never forgets anything.
  40. Everyone knows that.
  41. Go to the park?  That’s the best idea ever.
  42. I’d move mountains for her.
  43. Tanya never stops talking.
  44. I can’t do anything right.
  45. Janet worked her fingers to the bone.
  46. Jack was thirsty enough to drink a river dry.
  47. She is perfect in everyway.
  48. Your dad is the smartest guy in the world.
  49. We tried everything that we could.
  50. I could listen to that song on repeat forever.

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