Identify Students in Need of Remediation

In this step you will identify the Groups and Individual needs of students that need remediation.


  1. Identify the Standard Weakness of Group

    Select the student group.
    • Filter by OPI Performance - Select Limited Knowledge and Unsatisfactory
    • Sort the group by OPI Score in ascending order
    • Generate Reports - Select New Reports for 2013 - SOPI By All
    • Identify the Standards that are the weakest for the group
  2. Sort by SOPI to Identify Student Weakness

    On the left side of the page select Columns.  Deselect all columns that are not needed (Leave the First and Last Name, OPI Score, and all SOPI'S).

    • Select the column header on SOPI 1.1 and sort in Ascending Order (How many zeros or scores 50 and below)
    • Repeat process for each of the SOPI'S
    • Export the group to .csv
    • Open exported file in Excel
    • Select Data and then Filter
    • Identify students that have scores of 50 or below and highlight or print in SOPI groups by sorted score
  3. Identify the Specific Needs of Bottom 25%

    • Use Filter on left side
    • Select Bottom 25% and check Yes
    • Repeat the processes in Steps 1 and 2 to identify the Needs of Students in the Bottom 25%
  4. Comprehend Application

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