Lexile Reading Framework: Video

Recognized as the most widely adopted reading measure, Lexile measures are used at the school level in various capacities in all 50 states. Each year, more than 28 million Lexile measures are reported from state and national assessments, classroom assessments and reading programs, representing about half of U.S. students.

The Lexile Framework is an educational tool that connects readers with reading materials using a common measure called a Lexile. What makes the Lexile Framework unique, and what has led to its widespread adoption, is that it measures both reading ability and text difficulty on the same developmental scale.

When used together, Lexile reader measures and Lexile text measures enable educators, parents and students to find books and other materials that will provide an appropriate level of challenge, while still maintaining interest and learning. For more information on the Lexile Framework, visit www.Lexile.com.

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