Predict-Locate-Add-Note (PLAN-Modified)

The PLAN graphical organizer helps students to summarize content from a reading selection.
  1. Introduction

    When you use the PLAN strategy to help better understand reading selection, you will:
    • Predict selection content based on prior knowledge and experiences.
    • Locate familiar and unfamiliar words and concepts.
    • Add new information to prior knowledge.
    • Note how new information can be applied to everyday tasks.
  2. Predict

    After given assigned text to read, quickly scan it and make predictions about its content titles, key words, and available images.  See example below.

  3. Locate

    Take your diagram and using a  ✔ to check the labels where you have understanding of it based on prior knowledge.  Use a ? to mark the unknown information on your diagram.  See example below.
  4. Add

    On your diagram explain new information and make connections with the world.  See example below.

  5. Note

    As per teacher instructions, summarize the information presented in the final version of your diagram.  See example below.

  6. Other Options

    Consider using the PLAN strategy for a larger selection (e.g., story, chapter, unit of study) and use:
    • Different colored and sized sticky notes placing them on butcher paper.  Construct this through collaboration making it a group project.
    • Smart board to capture work.

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