"One Small Step..." Copy

Just how many steps is it from the sun to the Earth?  You will "step off" the distance from the Sun to the Earth. 

Engaging Questions

  • Why are the number of steps different for some or all students?

  • How would the number of steps be different for Mercury ? Mars ? Jupiter ?

  • Just how big is our solar system?

Teacher Goals

  • Students will calculate the number of miles in one of their steps using a "scale" in which one inch equals one hundred thousand miles.

Required Resources


  1. Let's Walk!

    Walk and count the number of steps from the "Sun" to the "Earth."

  2. Use your math skills

    Divide the average distance to the Earth, 93,000,000, miles by the number of steps. Record how many miles you travel in one step.

  3. Share Results

    Share your observations to see how they might vary from person to person to place to place.

Teacher Notes

  • Find a location (the hall, cafeteria, outside) where you can walk at least 80 feet in a straight line.

  • Have your students assist as you choose a location for the "Sun" and measure from it 78 feet in a straight line and mark this spot "Earth." This uses a scale in which one inch equals 100,000 miles.

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