Mini Symposium on Genetic Disorders Copy

Ever wonder about genetic disorders? This activity has each student do research on a specific genetic disorder and make a class presentation, reporting the disorder. The collective presentations, the symposium, broadens the awareness of the entire class.

Required Resources

  • Internet

    The students may use the internet to research their genetic disorder for information.

  • Journal articles
    These may also be used to aid in research.

  • Index cards
    Each student will be provided with one 3 x 5 index card to aid their memory in presentations.

  • How will this activity be graded?
    1. Accuracy
    2. Following Directions
    3. Delivery
    4. Use of visual aids

Optional Resources

  • Genetic Disorders
    This web site is from the Yahoo! Directory on health. It groups genetic disorders into general categories and provides links for research. Consider using this site to begin the activity.


  1. Selection

    Each student will select one disorder from the list.

  2. Research

    Research the information on the disorder using both the internet and journal articles

  3. Presentation

    Prepare and deliver a comprehensive, concise, and complete oral presentation to the class. You must use the "Engaging Questions," from the Teacher's Guide section of this lesson, to prepare your report.

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