

Guide  Questions for ME Myself, & I




How old I am:

What color hair

What color eye

My favorite singer

My favorite band

My favorite president

my favorite city

state I

 was born in:

I have lived in how many states:

I have visited how many states:

I gone to how many schools:


If you could have a wish for yourself (can't wish for more wishes) what would it be?



If you could have a second wish for your family what would it be?

If you could have a third wish for the world what would it be?

a questions to which you'd like the answer?

If you could recommend a good book to a friend what would it be?

If you could recommend a song to a friend and why?

If you could recommend a friend to someone, who would it be, and why?

Name the skill you posses of which makes you most proud.

Name the skill you would most like to improve in yourself.

Name a (person, famous or just an acquaintance) who has these skills you have or would like to have.

If you could talk to any person from the past, who is not living, who would it be/why?

If you could talk to any person in the world, living, who would it be/why?

If you could talk to any person from Bible times, who would it be/why?

List something you would like to achieve in your lifetime.

Describe fear (as a person or character, or color, or use one of your senses)

Name something you were once terrified by.

Name something you are now terrified by.

List somewhere you would like to go/travel USA in your lifetime.

List somewhere you would like to go/travel WORLD in your lifetime.

If you could live in any time period, past present, or future, what would it be? Be specific...

Name a person or character from history or literature you'd like to have been and why.

Describe the person you will marry.

When you are 30 years old what job will you be doing?

Where will you live?

Name your favorite school subject.

Name your favorite after school activity.

Name your favorite (older) person. (teacher / preacher / relative)

Where ( aside from school) is the last place on earth you'd like to be right now, and why.

List a favorite daily activity.

List a favorite weekend activity.

List a favorite hobby.

(end the poem with something like: " this is Me, Myself, and I": first name,


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